Being Bipolar

Bipolar is one of those psychological disorders (by ‘one’ I mean all of them) that is often misunderstood. Here is my attempt at explaining it based on my current mixed manic-depressive mood. Subject (and almost guaranteed) to change (see actual definition of bipolar).
Bipolar is an experience where each manic phase comes with an epiphany that is followed by a low that makes you realize how dumb your epiphany was. Wash, rince, repeat. Then years of diary entries later testify that you’ve rediscovered the same answers to the same problems countless times throughout your life. Like 50 first dates, except in this case you don’t get to forget the terrible thing that happened, you repeat it at every crossroad, doomed to forever re-experience the same cyclical torture. Like marriage. Yeah. Being bipolar is sort of like being in a bad marriage. Without the sex. Apparently you can take pills for that too. Sex I mean.


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